We Tell Stories is a website consisting of six digital narratives:

The 21 Steps
Fairy Tales
Hard Times
Your Place and Mine
The Former General

Each narrative has been created by six separate authors and are published by Penguin. Each of the narratives has a unique digital format and the user interacts in different ways in each of the stories.
The 21 Steps by Charles Cummings is a digital narrative whereby the story is told through Google maps. The audience follows the narrative through a hypertext format whereby the user will read the story in Google text boxes and click links to progress. As well as the narrative progressing through text boxes, the Google map images and route trail also support the story, showing the locations in which each event happens. There are also digital chapters which create a book format whereby the user can stop at chapters and go back and forward to different chapters in the narrative.
Back to Final Project
Back to Authorship and Interaction
Each of the other stories also take this same format as seen in 21 steps whereby each story is a hypertext. However there are some differences. For example, in Fairy Tales the audience is asked to enter information which effects the story, such as inserting a name or choosing a weapon to use. This allows adds an interactive value as the audience is physical inputting into the story and effecting the outcome.

Other examples such as The Former General allow the user to choose the direction of the story through the use of arrows. Again this is a hypertext as the audience is clicking links to progress. The audience can choose left, right, up or down and the story will alter, as well as the text physically moving in that direction.